Troop 21 is a historic troop with Park Hills and has been around for many years. Traditionally an older girl troop, we are transitioning this troop to form a special interest Girl Scout Travel Troop.
At Volunteer Conference 2021, Trista approached Sheila about forming a travel troop since the girls in her troop were graduating in June 2022. Sheila and Trista have worked together on the Park Hills Service Unit team for many years and their troops have traveled to Utah together so the vision to start a travel troop was exciting.
Thus, the time is now, and Travel Troop 21 is ready to recruit Cadette, Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts (6th grade - 12th grade) who are ready to make memories on Girl Scout travel adventures.
Who we are
Sheila and Trista are the leaders for Travel Troop 21.
Sheila - Leader
Sheila at Nara Deer Park in Nara, JapanSheila is a Girl Scout Lifetime member and has been a GSSD volunteer for over 15 years. She has been a troop leader for 12 years. She started off as a cookie manager for her oldest daughter's troop and then after helping the troop plan their Bronze Award and their San Francisco Bridging Trip, she then transitioned into being the Co-Leader. She remained leader of that troop until the girls graduated in June 2020. In addition to forming this Travel Troop 21, she is also a troop leader for Ambassador Girl Scout Troop 4035.
Sheila has received the Girl Scout Volunteer Awards including the GSSD Volunteer Appreciation Pin and Honor Pin. She also led the Park Hills Service Unit (PHSU) in receiving the Service Unit President's Award when she was Service Unit Manager. She has also served as the Activities Consultant, Service Unit Manager and Treasurer, Encampment Director and helped guide the PHSU Camper Council. Sheila served as a GSSD National Delegate from 1/2020 - 8/2022. She is a Girl Scout Trainer and has taught classes at Council and the GSSD Volunteer Conference.
Sheila has experience taking her troops on domestic travel trips to Catalina, Santa Monica & San Francisco (3 times), and out of state trips to Portland, Oregon & Seattle, Washington, plus the Girl Scout Convention in Orlando, Florida . She has taken troops to Utah for white water rafting, tubing, ziplining, an adventure course, hiking in Bryce Canyon NP, plus hiking the Narrows and horseback riding in Zion NP. Recently, she went on her first international Girl Scout trip to Japan with Troop 21!
Sheila is excited to lead this travel troop and loves all the fun travel adventures and lasting Girl Scout memories.
Trista - Leader
Trista visiting Shibuya Sky tower, Tokyo, JapanTrista was a Girl Scout and remembers the fun she had with her mom leading that troop. She followed that tradition when her daughter started as a Girl Scout Daisy 15 years ago. She became the leader of that troop when they bridged to Brownies and continued leading her troop for the next 11 years. Her roles included leader, treasurer, and product sales manager. Her troop of Ambassadors took their final bridging trip to Paris, Freiburg and London in July 2022. She has been an active team member of the Park Hills Service Unit for several years including positions such at Service Unit Manager, Registrar, and Recognitions Chair. She received the Appreciation Pin Girl Scout Volunteer Award.
Trista has a passion for traveling with Girl Scouts and her family. She is an experienced travel planner and has traveled with her troop to San Francisco, and on a high adventure trip to Utah. During summer of 2022, she traveled to Paris, Freiburg and London with her Ambassador troop. She has traveled with family and friends to China, Indonesia, Mexico, Canada, Hong Kong, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Spain, Portugal, England, Scotland, Wales, Switzerland and Vatican City. She also lived in Granada, Spain her junior year of college.
As a leader with Travel Troop 21 she has traveled to Orlando, FL, Santa Monica, and most recently to Japan. Trips in the works for the troop are San Francisco and Our Cabana WAGGGS center in Cuernevaca, Mexico.
Her daughter was able to take advantage of travel opportunities with Girls Scouts and traveled to go horseback riding in the Rockies for a week and also spent over two weeks in India including time at the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts Center in Pune, India. She used these experiences to successfully describe her passions and leadership skills on college applications.
Trista is looking forward to helping lead girls to fulfill their travel dreams, discover their passions, gain confidence and grow their leadership skills.
Contact by email at: gstraveltroop21@gmail.com
GSSD Troop Support Specialist for Troop 21:
Mary Talle
Pronouns: she/her
Girl Scouts San Diego